From Praizer to Nat

I've had issues trying to define the kind of artist I am. I've changed names two times already. Before 2014 I was Dragon. Dragon because of the rap thing
And after 2014 I became Praizer. The name Praizer is self explanatory so I won't really elaborate.
Well now, I've decided to settle down with a new name. Not a new name really, but my own name given me by my parents.
That's the name using from now. If you knew me as Praizer or Praizer the Christ Addict, it's still me fam. But this an original version.
Dragon, Praizer... That was me undefined but now I know what I'm about.

Just like I changed my name from Praizer to my actual name, that's all the new brand is about. It's all about being realistic.

Call me The Rapper Nat.



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